Chance-constrained Unit Commitment

In this notebook we will formulate a simple chance-constrained (CC) Unit Commitment (UC) model and implement it in Julia using the JumpChance package. We will observe the performance of this CC UC model on a three-bus example.

Illustrative example

In the following notes for the sake of simplicity, we are going to use a three bus example mirroring the interface between Western and Eastern Texas. This example is taken from R. Baldick, "Wind and Energy Markets: A Case Study of Texas," IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 6, pp. 27-34, 2012.

For this example, we set the following characteristics of generators, transmission lines, wind farms and demands:

Generator 1 Generator 2
$g_{min}$, MW 0 300
$g_{max}$, MW 1000 1000
$c^g$, \$/MWh 50 100
$c^{g0}$, \$/MWh 1000 0
Line 1 Line 2
$f^{max}$, MW 100 1000
x, p.u. 0.001 0.001
Wind farm 1 Wind farm 2
$w^{f}$, MW 150 50
$c^{w}$, \$/MWh 50 50
Bus 1 Bus 2 Bus 3
$d$, MW 0 0 1500

CC UC formulation

We modify the UC formulation presented yesterday by including chance constraints.

First, we note that the following constraints remain untouched as they are used to make decision on binary commitment decisions:

To obtain the mathematical formulation of the UC model, we will modify the constraints of the ED model as follows: $$ g^{\min}_{i} \cdot u_{t,i} \leq g_{i} \leq g^{\max}_{i} \cdot u_{t,i}, $$

where $ u_{i} \in \{0;1\}. $ In this constraint, if $ u_{i} = 0$, then $g_{i} = 0$. On the other hand, if $ u_{i} = 1$, then $g^{max}_{i} \leq g_{i} \leq g^{min}_{i}$.

Next, we include chance-constraints accounting for regulation:

$$ P (g_{i} - \alpha_i \cdot \omega \geq g^{\max}) \leq \epsilon_g $$$$ P (g_{i} - \alpha_i \cdot \omega \leq g^{\min}) \leq \epsilon_g $$

where $\alpha$ is a participation factor of generator $i$, $\omega$ is a deviation of the actual wind generation from its forecast, and $\epsilon_g$ is a small number. Note that $\omega$ is defined as $\omega \sim N(0, var(\omega))$

Implementation of the CC UC model

In the following cell we define the packages used, including package JumpChance which is used to solve chance constraints.

In [1]:
using JuMP # used for mathematical programming
using Interact # used for enabling the slider
#using Gadfly # used for plotting 
using JuMPChance # used for solving chance constraints
using Cbc # integer programming solver

Define the input data for the CC UC model:

In [2]:
# Define some input data about the test system
# Maximum power output of generators
const g_max = [1000 1000]
# Minimum power output of generators
const g_min = [0 300]
# Incremental cost of generators 
const c_g = [50 100]
# Fixed cost of generators
const c_g0 = [1000 0]
# Incremental cost of wind generators
const c_w = 0
# Total demand
const d = 1500
# Wind forecast
const w_f = 200
# Variance of wind power
const w_var = 20
# Epsilon threshold
const ϵ_cc =0.05


The function solving the CC UC model:

In [3]:
function solve_ccuc(g_max, g_min, c_g, c_w, d, w_f,w_var, ϵ_cc)
    #Define the unit commitment (UC) model
    # Define decision variables    
    @variable(uc, g_min[i] <= g[i=1:2] <= g_max[i]) # power output of generators
    #@defVar(uc, u[i=1:2], Bin) # Binary status of generators
    @variable(uc, 0 <= w  <= w_f ) # wind power injection
    @variable(uc, α[1:2] >= 0) # proportional response coefficients
    @indepnormal(uc,ω, mean=0, var=w_var)

    # Define the objective function
    @objective(uc,Min,sum(c_g[i] * g[i] + c_g0[i] for i=1:2)+ c_w * w)
    @constraint(uc, sum(α) == 1)

    # Define the constraint on the maximum and minimum power output of each generator
    #for i in 1:2
    #    @constraint(uc,  g[i] <= g_max[i] * u[i]) #maximum
    #    @constraint(uc,  g[i] >= g_min[i] * u[i]) #minimum
    # Define chance constraints on the power output of each generator in response to wind fluctuations
    for i in 1:2
        @constraint(uc, g[i]-α[i]*ω <= g_max[i], with_probability=1-ϵ_cc)

    # Define the constraint on the wind power injection
    #@constraint(uc, w <= w_f)

    # Define the power balance constraint
    @constraint(uc, sum(g[i] for i=1:2) + w == d)

    # Solve statement
    status = solve(uc, method=:Reformulate)
    return status, getvalue(g), getvalue(w), w_f-getvalue(w), [1,1], getvalue(α), getobjectivevalue(uc)
# Solve the economic dispatch problem
status,g_opt,w_opt,ws_opt,u_opt,α,obj=solve_ccuc(g_max, g_min, c_g, c_w, d, w_f, 20, 0.05)

println("Dispatch of Generators: ", g_opt, " MW")
println("Commitments of Generators: ", u_opt)
println("Dispatch of Wind: ", w_opt, " MW")
println("Wind spillage: ", w_f-w_opt, " MW") 
println("Proportional response coefficients: ", α)
println("Total cost: ", obj, "\$")

Dispatch of Generators: [1000.0,300.0] MW
Commitments of Generators: [1,1]
Dispatch of Wind: 199.99999979886536 MW
Wind spillage: 2.0113463961024536e-7 MW
Proportional response coefficients: [1.77349e-8,1.0]

Total cost: 81000.00018497414$

In the following cell we introduce the manipulator, which can adjust $var(\omega)$, $\epsilon_g$, and $d$. While adjusting these parameters, we observe their impact of the cost and dispatch decisions:

In [4]:
@manipulate for w_var_scale = 0.01:0.01:10, ϵ_cc_scale = 0.01:0.01:10, d_scale = 0.25:0.01:2.0
    status,g_opt,w_opt,ws_opt,u_opt,α,obj=solve_ccuc(g_max, g_min, c_g, c_w, d_scale*d, w_f, w_var_scale * w_var, ϵ_cc_scale*ϵ_cc)
    HTML("Dispatch of generators: $g_opt<br>"*
    "Commitment of generators: $u_opt<br>"*
    "Dispatch of wind: $w_opt<br>"*
    "Proportional response coefficients: <br>"*
    "Total cost: $obj")


Dispatch of generators: [1000.0,480.0]
Commitment of generators: [1,1]
Dispatch of wind: 200.00000000152878
Proportional response coefficients: [9.23016e-9,1.0]
Total cost: 99000.00000742564

Practical exercise

After discussing the implementation of the CC UC and the usage of the JuMPChance package, we believe you can try to finish the following exercise:

  • Introduce a loop adjusting the minimum power outputs of generators ($g^{min}$) inside of the manipulators used in the CC UC model above.
  • Make interactive plots for dispatch ($g_i$)/commitment ($u_i$) decisions, wind power generation ($w$) and participation factors ($\alpha_i$).
  • Make conclusions on how ($g^{min}$) affects the CC UC solution under different $var(\omega)$, $\epsilon_g$, and $d$